What is blat?
Blat is a Windows (32 & 64 bit) command line utility that sends eMail using SMTP or post to usenet using NNTP.
Home: www.blat.net
syntax: www.blat.net/syntax/syntax.html
ref: how to send emails using blat
blat -installSMTP smtp.gmail.com abc@gmail.com -u username -pw yourpasswd
Send mail
blat -s "blat mail" -to test@gmail.com -f abc@gmail.com -body"test body"
Send email with body from a file
blat test.txt -s "blat mail" -to test@gmail.com -f abc@gmail.com
specify charset of body file
blat utf8.txt -s "blat mail" -to test@gmail.com -f abc@gmail.com -charset GBK
Send attachment
blat -s "blat mail" -to test@gmail.com -f abc@gmail.com -body"test attach" -attach 1.txt